Mass effect andromeda pc graphics settings
Mass effect andromeda pc graphics settings

If you focus while you play you can see that many thing were not finished. Game just feels rushed, unpolished, unfinished. Not as good as in ME1 or ME2 by a long shot. Crafting is useless feature, again it is just to force you to play longer (grind for materials). 3 makes combat not as complex as it could be with more active skills. Combat- ther variety of skills is great but you can only equip 3.that is a joke, especially on PC, where you could easy have 5-6 of them. And why our new car does not have Cannon like Mako had? I have no idea. Jumping puzzles, scanning everything is boring, boring, boring. Exploration, while better than in DA:I is till just a time waste and it just try to force you into beliving that game is longer and has more content than it really has. Textures are low res even on 2K on Ultra, lightning is tragedy, as characters many times look like plastic dolls, not living beings. It's like they want to force you to play their "child faces" twins. Why did BioWare just not include DA:I CC? I have no idea.

mass effect andromeda pc graphics settings

Character Creation is easy the worst in any AAA RPG I have ever played. Animations will make you skip and speed trough them just to not see this crap. This is RPG game and belive me- you will spend A HELL LOT OF TIME speaking with many different NPCs. Dialogues which suppose to sound tough, emotional, serious are being destroyed by stupid eye rolls, creepy facial espressions and smiles that arre totally oposite to the voice and scene tone. But we have 2017 and animations are immersion-breaking. I din't want to romance anyone in the end, since your right hand seems more interesting and sexy than any of NPCs. Your team mates are shallow, cliche and many times irritating (PeeBee.god.). BioWare should learn from Witcher 3 story quests. More story side-quests are also mostly generic and boring, not even one memorable quest with some sort of plot twist. Many quests are simple "track, kill, pick up, deliver" or "scan the hell out of this area". Bioware played it 100% safe, no controversy, no emotions, nothing memorable. Exploration is done much better than in DA:I - A lot of dialogues and side quest - Quite long game - Very good overall visuals of everything but character faces. Good balance between risk and cover combat at higher difficulties. Absolutely great combat system, dynamic, fluid, smooth. Some interesting side-characters and team mates (sadly, not level of trilogy crew). GOOD: - Vast, new Galaxy to explore with aswesome new planets and places to see. There are some extremely good features but also some extremely bad. Big game, but sadly empty and without good quality content.

mass effect andromeda pc graphics settings

Vast, new Galaxy to explore with aswesome new planets and places to see.

mass effect andromeda pc graphics settings

Big game, but sadly empty and without good quality content.

Mass effect andromeda pc graphics settings