Sims apartment life game
Sims apartment life game

sims apartment life game

This prints the lot's class (low, middle, or high) as well as the corresponding numerical lot class value. This clears any "changeLotClassification" cheat used on the lot and sets the lot class to the correct calculated value. The lot will remain this classification until the clearLotClassValue cheat is used. All the similar files for games like The Sims 2: Apartment Life in the 'Simulation Games' category can be found in Downloads on pages like Full games & demos, Mods & add-ons, Patches & updates and Wallpapers. The Sims 2: Apartment Life download section contains: update, 3 trainers.


Download for free files to The Sims 2: Apartment Life. Error no longer occurs when a Sim tries to ‘Get Mail’ on an apartment mailbox with a Date Coupon inside. The Sims 2: Apartment Life Free download.

sims apartment life game

This changes the lot classification of the lot. Various objects from previous Expansion and Stuff packs can now be placed on shelves with the Sims 2 Apartment Life installed: ‘Dream Date’ reward objects can now be picked up in Buy mode on Apartment lots. These Sims 2, The - Apartment Life cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. The Sim must be standing next to the door, and they must not have any other actions in their queue. Our Sims 2, The - Apartment Life +1 trainer is now available and supports RETAIL. It is possible to rent an apartment with all of its furnishings by enabling testingcheatsenabled, shift+clicking on the door of the apartment you would like to rent, and selecting "Rent Furnished". boolProp testingCheatsEnabled Rent Furnished.More information on editing apartment lots can be found at Game guide:Building an apartment.

Sims apartment life game